Photo Retouching Services

Before & After

Image Retouching 

It’s a whole new world for photo retouching. The newest, top-of-the-line digital cameras capture huge amounts of information. However, to get the best image possible, post-processing—or retouching—is an essential part of the process. We offer the best photo retouching services.
Retouching includes color correction, or even change of color altogether—for example from full color to sepia or black and white. It also includes correction of contrast, either adding or removing contrast. Clarity (crispness), saturation, and white balance are also adjusted. Careful attention to framing each image is also an important part of the process. Retouching services are important to your perfect album or magazine-style photo layout. 
We accomplish our photo retouching services with the best software, a practiced, skilled eye, and a good sense for the potential of each image.
You want the best, we want the best, and it’s skillful retouching that makes that happen.
Professional photo retouching services by BlendedMotion. Call 650-745-8850 to get started!